Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Cheaply Could You Eat For One Whole Week?

My brother, Aaron, and I (Wendi) wondered this exact question - and since we are competitive overachievers, we decided to do a weeklong challenge to see how cheaply we could eat for an entire week.

We've picked Feb. 2-8 to do our challenge, and we'll both be posting here daily about our progress. We'll have rules, which we'll post soon, and pictures of what we can find cheap to eat. 

This isn't about a diet, or eating Ramen noodles all 21 meals (that's the kind of slick stuff my baby brother would come up with. I haven't forgotten how he "solved" the Rubick's cube simply by moving around all the colored stickers). 

It's an exercise in awareness - how much we spend on food, how much we waste, what choices we'd make  if we were like too many families in America - and could barely afford groceries.

My brother and I - as we speak and knock wood - are financially comfortable and don't have to think twice about what we spend on food. But for this coming week, we will.

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