Wednesday, January 28, 2009

... And more rules.

I like a lot of the rules you've proposed, Wendi:
- 3 meals/day - no use starving for a blog challenge.
- 2 fruits and/or veggies per day - again, no deprivation.
- variety required - keeping with reality is desirable.

I say we keep the rule on free meals as "up to 3." Part of eating cheap is taking advantage of times when there is free food around. And I think free food is available more often than one might guess, even if it's just samples at Whole Foods on Saturday (am I giving away too much?). Plus, another way of eating cheaper might be making enough food to feed a few other folks one night (that might otherwise spoil if you didn't share), and then reaping your culinary karma in return.

Let's also say that even if condiments don't count, we still have to post them, to cut down on the "mayonnaise sandwich" factor.

We should have to post our daily totals on both food eaten and money tallies at least once per day. Which probably also mirrors what folks with extremely limited food budgets do normally.

Oh, and uh... since this is a competition, and we're actually trying to see who can eat the cheapest... Don't be mad when you get smoked like a rack of ribs, Wendi.


  1. Aaron, you make my butt itch. Seriously......

    I would bet that you will win just because you are more competitive than me. You may win, but I'll still always be older. So there.

    I can get with your rules.... I'll be hitting Sam's on Saturday for the samples - who wants to take me to lunch! Up to three meals!

  2. Wendi, you are a hoot. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing when I read this.

    Just a note to let you know how much I admire what you are doing, just so we can see what many families are going through on a daily basis. We can all learn a valuable lesson from this and maybe make us more generous with our contributions to organizations that provide food to the MANY hungry people in our very area.


  3. I already told Aaron he's got this in the bag because we've been trading tips on cheapness for the past couple months.

    Side note - My parents and bro have been touting Angel Food Ministries. It's a non-profit non-denominational organization that buys in bulk and then passes the savings down to everyday people trying to save money on food. Check their website out. It's astounding the amount of food they can provide for $30.

  4. Great tip, Matt. Even if you are on my brother's side. I've heard about Angel Food Ministries, but never bought the food - I'd have to split it with another singleton because it does seem like you get a trough of food...

    I've got my game face on. Even if I don't win, I'm gonna come dangum close. And I'll still be older. And cuter.
