Easy Way, I'd been told, has a cheap table. Got two potatoes there. Also got this:

which will be at least two servings, steamed, or sauteed with an onion I got from Moms, in exchange for vacuuming two rooms.
I'm pleasantly surprised by how many fruits and veggies I've been able to snag - eating fresh food will be a snap - it's the meat I can't afford. Or milk. Or Cream of Wheat. Or wheat bread.
I went to four stores today - a luxury that people who are really trying to stretch a $20 bill don't have. Maybe they don't have the transportation, or can't afford the gas - so don't get it twisted, I still realize that for me, this is still just a game, a challenge, something that can end soon.
I have to say, I was stunned by the suggestions offered by a nice lady I met at Easy Way. She broke down how to know if you're getting a good deal on potatoes so it will forever remain broke. She advised me that you can't take the plastic wrap off the stuff on the cheap table to see if it's spoiled on the other side. And she came back into the store - twice - to tell me about stuff at other stores, namely Aldi's, where I did get a few things.
Now if I can just find some really cheap chicken....
Oh! So now we're allowed to exchange services/work for food? I see...