Should have bought the four chicken quarters for $2.66 when I saw them at Schnuck's earlier this week - but didn't. And I bought an onion since my brother balked at my creative idea to barter manual labor for groceries. (Hater.)
Had a last supper of sorts at Picadilly's - bill was over $10. Now, I'm the girl who can go to Indian Palace and drop $30 and not blink, but this experiment has already made me realize how wasteful I am. So even though I was full, I ate just about all of what I ordered at Picadilly's - and wondered how much the people who served me have to spend on food. Assauged my guilt with a nice tip for the waitress, but I still feel the unfairness of it all.
I can see now, it's not the physical part that's hard, it's the psychological pondering of social inequities that's going to be a b-tch this week.
Wendi, Hopefully this experience will help to make people aware that hunger does exist in America. My sister in law does often choose between food and medication. My awareness of her situation is what made me stop eating out so often and dropping 30.00 on ameal without thinking. For my sis-in -law trying to take that last 30 dollars or so and stretching it over the month it was very difficult. Living on the edge of hunger all the time is physically and mentally challenging. So when you're in line in the grocery store and someone is digging in the bottom of their purses trying to find 1.80 in change to pay the cashier....share a dollar....Hunger Hurts. Memphis Grandma