I thought I'd get the characterization out there at the beginning since I know it's coming.
I may have underestimated how important this "cooking" thing would be to this challenge. Rice and blackeyed peas should be an easy enough task to accomplish, right? I mean, all food comes with instructions on the label, yes?
I figured out the whole 1 cup of water to 1/2 cup of rice thing - cool. Little bit of oil - done. Didn't have any regular salt, but I threw something from my cabinet called "Soul Food Salt" into the pot. Dunno whether it made a difference or not. I let it boil and then covered it. After that, how do you know rice is done? Loud hiss? Semi-angry hiss? Smoke? Anyway, the rice that was not stuck to the bottom of the pot tasted OK. Heated up the blackeyed peas and added a healthy dose of hot sauce - the culinary girdle on my out-of-shape cooking.
Despite what the plate looks like, it was edible. I mean, my stomach hurt and all, but I'm not sure if that was because I scarfed down 400 calories worth of blackeyed peas in about 4 minutes or if it had anything to do with my inability to cook them.
The first bite was actually not half bad. I decided to eat it as quickly as possible, so as not to give myself the chance to start disliking it as the law of diminishing returns set in. After all, that was all I had to eat for the evening, and it was over 8 hours since my peanut butter lunch. 12 hours later, I'm happy to report that everything stayed down and I've lived to blog the tale.
Tha dirty: 1/2 cup of rice was 1/5 of an 89 cent package, or 18 cents. Blackeyed peas were a solid quarter. Meal: 43 cents. Challenge to date: $1.13 and 1/3 cent.
P.S. If you google "culinary girdle," this blog is the first result. Word.
ReplyDeleteOn cooking rice: To prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Reduce heat to low after the water/rice/salt/oil comes to a boil and cover the pan.
Put timer on for 15 minutes and check after that time for doneness.
May use a fork to fluff rice. I know that I don't cook much, but I can do rice!
ReplyDeleteDrain some of the liquid off those peas next time.
That would be my preference, if I were inclined to eat canned black eyes peas from a can.
You can also cook rice in the microwave. Not that I'm trying to help you.
ReplyDeleteBut why did your stomach hurt?
When the food is not what you'd prefer, eating fast is key. Reading something while you're eating fast also takes your mind off the crap you're shoveling in. And by crap, I mean oatmeal.
Now I'm calling mom so she can stop helping you out.
Thanks for the tips, Mom. I love you!
ReplyDeleteP.S. Wendi said "cr*p". I know you didn't raise her to use such coarse language. Let's work on forgiving her.
this site is pure comedy. or maybe just pure family. i have spent a total of zero dollars this week on food. not only am i living at home which i don't reccommend for anyone (cause we don't have any room available) i sub at schools that give me lunch for free so i had fresh fruit salad and a garden salad from the salad bar, a tuna sandwich and shrimp gumbo! yum! 0 dollars. 0 half cents.