After another morning of oatmeal and early afternoon of PB and bread, I hit up the mexican flea market here in Atlanta to see if I could get some super cheap fruit/vegetables/foodstuff to make a meal out of... nope. I can't afford to eat swap meet produce. That was something. Did you know you can buy clothes by the pound? Also something.
I ended up visiting Kroger and was able to score some really cheap hot dogs to quell the vegetarian-induced hallucinations I was having yesterday. So that made for a little bit cheaper dinner than the rice and peas (and broke the monotony as well). I found one mustard packet from Panda express - probably not intended for hotdogs, but it went well. I only found enough ketchup for one dog, so I put a packet of hot sauce I scored from Taco Bell on the other hot dog. Not too bad. And I found a perfect use for the ends of the loaf of bread I purchased - they don't break like regular slices when you fold them, and thus make good hot dog buns.
Bread slices: 5 cents each. Hot dogs: $1.09 for a packet of 10 - or 11 cents per dog. So 2 hot dogs with "buns" for 32 cents.
Combined with my 21.5 cent oatmeal and 27 and 1/3 cent peanut butter sandwiches, my day of food cost me 80 and 5/6 cents.
Total after 6 days: $4.35 and 2/3 cents.
That's less than a footlong at subway. And it's fed me for 6 days. Not too shabby.
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