Peanut butter, that is. Growing up, I ate a peanut butter sandwich pretty much every day, until my mother stopped making my lunch (junior high?). My sisters liked to mix it up - different cold cuts some days, maybe a PB&J every now and then, but not me. Those who knew me in elementary school knew I was a young man of routine. Part on the left side of my afro, blue windbreaker, peanut butter sandwich, and let's keep it moving.
The jelly I would normally put on this sandwich is a luxury I can't afford, so these sandwiches are literally peanut butter and bread. I do have a plan to fix it up, however - I am going to try running into a nearby fast food joint and pretending like I just came through the drive thru to see if I can score a few jelly packets. I'll keep you updated.
Now, the raw data: I got a loaf of bread with 26 slices (yes, I did stand in the store and count the slices in different brands' loaves to see who had the most slices) for $1.29. That's about 5 cents a slice. The peanut butter was 1.32 for the jar, 18 2-tablespoon servings worth. I use just one tablespoon of PB per sandwich, for a whopping 7 and 1/3 cents of PB in my lunch. 27 and 1/3 cents for lunch today. What.
Running total after lunch today: 70 (and 1/3) cents.
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