So today, it's spending $ for food...
Had a half-banana last night for dinner after drinking enough water to float a ship, so grand total for day 6 was: 49.9 cents.
Grand running total through Day 6 was: 4.339. (would probably be like two cents lower if I went back and counted minute fraction of cents all the way through).
Breakfast this early afternoon was probably the healthiest I've had this week: sauteed baby spinach (rescued from the trash, freegan fashion, a week ago at a cooking class) and 1/2 of a green-tinged potato bought on the Easy Way cheapo table. When I was pondering why the potato was green, another shopper told me that the green part is not good for you, but just eat the inside, and I'd be fine.
Except when you microwave it and start mashing up the inside, some of the green gets in there. So I ate green. Hope I live. But the 2 potatoes were 79 cents, and I just had half of one, so breakfast on the final day is: 19.75 cents. I don't feel FULL, but filled, and the spinach - Popeye would be proud.

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