Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Discovery...

When I don't like what there is to eat and I don't have any other options, I'd just rather not eat. I can honestly say that I'm not hungry, but I can also honestly say that facing all the reasons I eat that nothing to do with hunger has been eye-opening.

So it was a CHALLENGE to force myself to eat today, because my options (that I can afford and stay in contention and win) were few and none really appealed to me.

Breakfast: 1/2 a banana and 1/2 a serving of diet soda: 8 cents plus 3.5 cents= 11.5
Lunch: a grilled cheese sandwich (man, that processed cheese is starting to taste nasty): 28.5 cents
Dinner: 10 cents worth of salad and soup and cornbread: 4=55 cents

Total for Wednesday, Day 3: 95 cents

Running total for all three days (with only one free meal spent): $2.40 and 1/2 cent

I can't believe I've only eaten $2.40 worth of food - well, yes I can, because I am already tired of looking at all those servings of lentil soup taunting me in my fridge. The salad mix ain't bad, though.

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